Dernière mise à jour : 05/09/2024

Expert training in small group.
Practical leaven for application to a production in bakery.
Production organization.

M'inscrire à la formation

L'inscription à l'une de nos formations donne lieu à l'acceptation de nos conditions générales de vente et de notre politique de confidentialité à retrouver sur notre site internet.
Détail des créneaux de la session sélectionnée :
Ajouter au panier

Modalités d'admission

  • Admission sans disposition particulière

Compétences acquises à l'issue de la formation

  • - créer et maîtriser les différents levains (liquide, dur, seigle..) afin de présenter une gamme de produits de boulangerie pour jouer la carte de la différenciation,
  • - multiplier les recettes qui rivalisent d'originalité et de saveurs,

Certification CPF

  • boulanger pâtissier
  • RNCP 7068 CPF 241637 CertifInfo 62812
  • 02/01/2019
  • 01/01/2024




Boulangerie Viennoiserie Levains Snacking Anglais

Depuis près de 20 ans, Olivier COQUELIN exerce son métier de boulanger à travers le monde. Cette ouverture internationale lui a permis de se forger une expertise pointue sur les différentes techniques de fabrication et de confection des pains au levain.  Animé par sa curiosité et sa créativité naturelle, Olivier est continuellement poussé vers la recherche et le développement de nouveaux produits, de nouvelles saveurs.
Arrivé en 2012 à l'Atelier m'alice, Olivier Coquelin accompagne désormais les clients dans leur recherche de performance.  Lors d'une formation, le plus important pour Olivier est de comprendre les attentes et les besoins du client afin d'accroitre ses compétences. A chaque étape, il personnalise et centre son intervention sur la technicité du produit, sur la connaissance et la maitrise des techniques de fermentation et du façonnage manuel. Son objectif est de proposer des formations les plus rationnelles possible afin de que les clients puissent aisément la mettre en application en boulangerie.


visuel Informative program that will be personalized by the trainer according to your expectations

Home - Presentation of trainees and points on their training expectations
Pre-Training Self-Assessment
Presentation of the course of training
Analysis of different types of leaven, hard, liquid and rye
Setting up of the supply and raw materials
Weighing of flours and ingredients
Fresh liquid, hard and rye starter
Kneading pasta:
Wheel pies on hard yeast
The old days (honey hazelnuts grapes)
Lark Pie on Hard Sourdough
Full organic on hard sourdough
Millstone pie on hard sourdough
Large spelt on hard leaven
Breton crown on hard leaven
Khorasan on hard sourdough
Ciabatta on hard leaven
Tradition on liquid starter
Tradi-seed on liquid leaven
Shapes in tradition live and cooking the same day
Slow growth of one part of the organic breads and another part in a tray for cooking on day 2
Debriefing and questions on the whole day
Cleaning and storage of the supply

Welcome and expectations for the day
Baking breads on hard sourdough shaped on day 1
Weighing and shaping of all production in bins
Kneading rye pie on live rye yeast
Small golden spelt on hard sourdough live
Norwegian nature and fruit on hard sourdough live
Kneading pasta:
Tradition on hard starter
Millstone pie on hard sourdough
Lark pie on liquid starter
Chestnut bread with chestnut on sourdough
Kneading the brioche grandmother on liquid sourdough
Kneading the waste on yeast yeast
Kneading croissants on liquid sourdough
Realization of the traditional bread poolish on poolish for day 3
Debriefing and questions on the whole day
Cleaning and storage of the supply
Presentation #1 of the products on the table and Tasting
Time Management

Objectifs de la formation

At the end of the training, the trainee will master a base of knowledge in bakery in order to be able to:
- create and control the different leaven (liquid, hard, rye..) in order to present a range of bakery products to play the differentiation card,
- increase the number of recipes that rival originality and flavour,
- optimise the organisation and production time.

Public visé

Bakers and versatile employees in the bakery sector.
Accessibility to people with disabilities after an interview with the training organization.

Matériel requis

Smartphone type phone with internet connection for live signing


no prerequisites.

Modalités pédagogiques

Common production tools in a dedicated supply. Practical learning is transmitted by demonstration, participants are invited to reproduce them independently.

Moyens et supports pédagogiques

Pedagogical means: demonstrative, heuristic and applicative.
Teaching aids: paper booklet given to the trainee with annotation areas.

Modalités d'évaluation et de suivi

On the training time, exchanges are organized to allow the trainer to take into account the remarks, proposals and assessments of the trainees on the training action. All practical situations and productions during the training allow an exchange on the quality produced according to the objectives.
The means put in place to determine whether the trainee has acquired the knowledge or professional gestures specified in the objective are:
- FormatIve evaluation method by practical exercise;
- self-assessment by questionnaire at the start of training and at the end of training
- presence sheets 
- satisfaction questionnaire.

Profil du / des Formateur(s)

For nearly 20 years, Olivier COQUELIN has been working as a baker around the world. This international opening allowed him to forge a sharp expertise on the different techniques of making and making sourdough bread.   Driven by his curiosity and natural creativity, Olivier is continually pushed towards the research and development of new products, new flavors.
Arrived in 2012 at l'Atelier m'alice, Olivier Coquelin now accompanies clients in their search for performance.   During a training, the most important thing for Olivier is to understand the expectations and needs of the client in order to increase his skills.  At each stage, he personalizes and focuses his intervention on the technicality of the product, on the knowledge and mastery of fermentation techniques and manual shaping. Its objective is to offer the most rational training possible so that customers can easily implement it in bakery.

Modalités d'accès et délais d'accès : informations sur l'admission

Our deadlines for access to training are no later than 2 days before the training or subject to availability.
The modalities of access to the trainings are by prior registration by email, telephone or via our online catalog on our website.

Informations sur l'accessibilité

If you think you are disabled please contact Marie our referent handicap upstream of the training at or contact@atelier-malice.fr in order to welcome you, support/train or guide you while ensuring the security of your training course thanks to our network of experts.
  • Durée : 14h
  • Prix : 840 € HT / 1 008 € TTC
  • Satisfaction :

Session sélectionnée

  • 12/06/25 9:00 → 13/06/25 17:00
    Fournil Fromenteau - BOUSSAY (44) - 5 places restantes
  • Détails :

    12/06/25 : 9:00 → 13:00
    14:00 → 17:00
    13/06/25 : 9:00 → 13:00
    14:00 → 17:00

Prochaines Sessions

  • 06/05/25 9:00 → 07/05/25 17:00 Inter Nouveauté 4 places restantes
Organisme de formation certifié QUALIOPI - catégorie Actions de formation

Catalogue de formation propulsé par Dendreo,
solution de gestion pour les centres de formation